Follow Them and People Will Follow You, completes the title
of this book. This book is by John C.
Maxwell, an accomplished author on the subject matter whose workshops are highly
sought out by business professionals. The book discusses Maxwell’s 21
laws, provides examples of each and assigns activities todo in order to apply each law in daily life.

Looking at the format of the book there was strong
contention with the examples for the majority of the laws. The use of world leaders
such as Winston Churchill, Mahatma Ghandi and Theodore Roosevelt (among many
others) to exemplify specific laws of leadership seemed to put the cart before
the horse. While each of these leaders was great during their time they only
serve as probable examples of the laws. These leaders are not actually
endorsing a specified law, but are associated purely by observation and
speculation on the part of the author.
In relation to examples, group members stated they would
have been more influenced by examples drawn from the thousands of people trained
in leadership by John C. Maxwell. Who were these people? How far had they come
by following the laws? What positions had they gained? Moreover, has there been
a world leader who was willing, without solicitation, to put their stamp on the
impact the book had on him or her?
Before getting into the laws of leadership found in the book
I do want to speak to the value of the chapter summaries. At the end of each
chapter were a summary and a set of actions to take based on the specific law
of leadership. In attacking the actions
great insight could be gained about how one weighed up in relation to the law.
Moreover, there were suggestions on specific actions to take in life which
could build this skill from the bottom up. Specifically for the Law of
Influence, it was suggested to take on a role of leadership via volunteering in
the community in a group that you had passion for. What a great and positive
idea to enact!
In regard to the specific laws of leadership there were
plenty of nuggets taken by each member of the group. Without giving away the whole farm here I’ll
simply highlight some of the great nuggets found.
Great fighters are made in the ring. They are
made by what they do before they get in the ring.
Leaders often begin these positions by a mentor
or higher up noticing they have skills and are assigned leadership tasks.
Leaders help others to meet their potential.
Never give up in your drive and intensity.
A good leader is a catalyst of great ideas. What
positive change have you initiated?
If these read like common sense, as previously hinted at, how many of them do you
act on a consistent and positive basis?
I’d like to wrap up here stating that there is a lot of
inspiration to be gained from reading this book. The gain is not in how you use
it to assess leadership externally, but how you use it to assess yourself
internally to become better in what you do.
If you are interested in the book you can find it here:
Thanks for reading!
If you are interested in the book you can find it here:
Thanks for reading!