That being said, here is a breakdown of topics that dominated during the B2B Books monthly gathering:
- Leverage (as mentioned)
- Negotiating techniques not used for too long
- A high level of product and service knowledge is required
- The majority of members at the meeting are relationship sellers and should adopt associated techniques more often that they currently do
- Sell yourself more than your sell the product
- How can we as sales professionals more readily see the best avenue to maximize goal achievement for all parties involved.
- Set your expectations HIGH.
Leverage is a powerful tool when and being vigilant of who possesses leverage at any given time during negotiations is vital. It can dictate appropriate actions to maintain position or suddenly shift due to exterior forces, pushing momentum in a favourable or unfavourable direction. It was especially illuminating to never dismiss the potential of gaining leverage no matter the relative power relationship between two parties.
Another point that came to light, and I believe it always will in this club, was the resurgence of past tactics and strategies not used for ages. This point came up with regard to relationship selling and the notion of selling yourself more than selling the product. It had been lost somewhere over the previous months that the business men and women are people we do ongoing business with and they want and appreciate our support. With this came disparate strategies that potentially focused on product, service, closing or price rather than on the relationship which was perceived to be of higher import by the client. This realization impacted the day to day actions of each member.
So often, professionals assess a situation according to how to move negations forward for their or another's interests. At these times, the benefits of moving forward can involve compromise, sacrifice or collaboration to achieve. A point made early in the book was the ability to readily recognize the most beneficial action to pursue for all parties involved. Those individuals who transcend the paradigms of a bargaining situation to find the direction that creates optimum success in the eyes of all participants is ahead in terms of negotiating prowess. How to always be this kind of sales professional is the main challenge members hoped to achieve.
The last heavily discussed point was expectation. Each and every professional deserves to be truly successful and a great way of doing so is by having high expectations. These expectations are not excessive, but attainable. They are not easily attained, but a challenge. The are not limited by perceived leverage, but set in accordance with what can be delivered in terms of product and service. Low expectations will yield low results.
To wrap things up I would like to discuss the progression of content in the book. There was a purposeful movement from basic to complex concepts which took the reader on a journey to greater understanding. This style held the interest of new and seasoned veterens of almost 20 years in sales. All attending B2B Books attending members agreed there was great value in reading this book. I warmly recommend this book to any professional who negotiates as a part of their career.
As with all the books here at B2B Books here is Amazon link to the book:
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